works on the maps
Assiriysky king 40x50 х.м. 700$
At halt 50x60 х.м. карта 800$
Estandart cadet and drum-Transfiguration Regiment 50x60 х.м. карта 800$
Letters to Josephine 40х50 500$
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Drum-major of the Life Guards Regiment (1817-1826) 40x30 х.м. карта 250$
Grenadiers, ensign (1762-1786) 40x30 х.м. карта 250$
Guards Corps, a noncommissioned officer (1832-1844) 40x30 х.м.
Duel 40x50 600$
Napoleon 40х50 500$
Napoleon Наполеон 40x50_600.jpg
Palace secrets 40x50 х.м. карта 600$
Guards infantry soldier (1832-1834) 40x30 х.м. карта 250$
Life campaign, Sergeant (1741-1762) 40x30 х.м. карта 250$
Life cuirassiers Regiment estandart-cadet (1803-1808) 50x40 х.м. карта 500$
Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, headquarters - trumpeter (1803 -1807) 40 x 30 х.м. карта 250$